My First Love - The ObserverAs it transpired, my introduction to ecstasy was incredibly casual. I was presented with a white tablet, a dove embossed on one side. I knew it was ecstasy and I was aware that ecstasy was a drug - but it looked so small and innocuous. These people with their liquid eyes and slender physiques looked phenomenally beautiful in comparison to the emaciated junkies glaring up from the pavements and down from the anti-drug billboards all over the town. There were no needles involved, no ghastly preparation rituals. It seemed, quite literally, an easy pill to swallow. So I had my first dove before I'd had my first period - before I'd even had my first kiss - and when it took hold of me I fell smack bang in love. When I came up on it, the rush was so intense, so powerful that it knocked me senseless. That was me, for ever. I stepped up onto the speaker and waved farewell to my childhood.
Ich glaube, wir haben das jetzt beide gemacht.
gHack, 22.06.21, 11:33
tobi, 22.06.21, 09:35
Ja klar!
Mama, 22.06.21, 08:10
danke für den schönen text. darf ich den auf 20jahre verlinken?
tobi, 22.06.21, 06:28
Ist das sowas wie i-mode?
Mama, 29.05.14, 00:00
Internet kann man ja neuerdings mitnehmen. Dass WAP sich doch durchsetzen würde...?!
fernsehratgeber, 20.05.14, 21:43